Posted by: Kathy | December 22, 2009

Top Ten Tuesday: Christmas Letter 09

My Christmas card went out today – before Christmas!! I know, I know, I’m amazing. Really amazing for me. How did I do it you say? Well, I didn’t write a letter this year. It’s the first year in over a decade that I haven’t written a Christmas letter to include with the card (which is now a picture card and not really even a card).

I went to write the letter and realized that between Twitter, Facebook, and this here blog, I’d pretty much written everything. Seriously, what more was I going to say? Now, there are those few people who are on the Christmas card list that aren’t my Facebook friends (yet) and who might not read the blog (yet). So, how would they know what’s going on? (I’m sure they REALLY want to know.) This puzzled me for about a minute. Then I thought, well, I’ll just include a slip of paper with the web address to the blog, our twitter handles, and our emails. After all, that’s all anyone needs anymore. Didn’t even think about putting our actual mailing address or phone numbers on there. Hmmm… actually didn’t even think of that until I’m typing this. Guess that tells us where communication is going.

SO, in case you’re coming to the blog for the first time because you got our Christmas card, or because you heard about how awesome the Hills are (just kidding there), here is what would have gone in the Christmas letter in no particular order…

1. Maggie continues to be the most amazing child ever. Well, I’m kinda partial, but even other people think she’s pretty cool. She is in the 2nd grade at a new school this year (we were rezoned) and loving it. Her teacher, Mrs. Johnson, rocks and is becoming a good friend. We would REALLY have gotten along well if we had ever taught together.

First Day of School 8/4/09

2. Maggie played soccer this fall with Cherokee Impact and LOVED IT! She is already looking forward to the spring season. We saw SO MUCH improvement over the fall season in her skills. It’s amazing to watch your child be an athlete – especially when you have no athletic ability. She gets it all from her Daddy (played keeper for years) and her Uncle Bill (played defense since he could walk). We can’t wait ’till practice starts in February (brrrrr).

Mags playing keeper. Fall 09

3. Maggie has become quite the reader and we’re struggling to keep her in books. Seriously, she can read one or two a day when the mood strikes her. She also likes to be read to. Daddy is reading Kingdom Keepers with her, and I’m reading Harry Potter 6 with her. Yes we’re all the way to six. We just started reading them together last Christmas. (To read about her introduction into the world of Harry Potter, go here. Hey this blog letter thing is cool. I can refer people back to actual events. Neat.)

Mags reading. June 09

4. We put our house on the market. What! We’re moving?!! Well, we might move. Depends on if the house sells, which right now is not going so good. The goal is to get to Cumming – closer to both our jobs and many of our church friends. While there has been very little traffic, we’re not getting anxious (or trying not to) trusting that when God wants us to move, we’ll move.

Anybody want a house in Woodstock?

5. We SERIOUSLY DECLUTTERED the house this fall in preparation for putting it on the market. And I mean seriously. We got rid of rooms of furniture, boxes and boxes of books, over eight bookshelves, and the majority of the “little things” that didn’t hold sentimental value. It is amazing how freeing this process is. Difficult, but freeing.

6. David and I continue to love our jobs and are so thankful that we both get to work in places where what we do has a direct impact on people for Christ. We are both in our dream jobs, and never a day goes by that we don’t say a thank you for it.

7. We also continue to lead a Couples Small Group and are VERY thankful for that opportunity as well. As marriages as old as ours (11 years this year) are starting to crumble, we have become even more committed to being in community and continuing to work on ours. This fall, our group split into guys and gals in order to do some intense marriage work on being a better husband/wife. The guys read “Choosing to Cheat” by Andy Stanley and the gals read “For Women Only” by Shaunti Feldhahn. We highly recommend both books. They’ll make you think.

8. My friend, Katie, had a rough fall in her battle for cancer. There was a pretty rough week there in the beginning of September. That same week David’s dad, Richard, had to have heart surgery so David was out of town and hanging out with his family. It was one of the hardest weeks we’ve been through – ever. We thank everyone who prayed for us, served us, and loved on us that week and the weeks following. Brings tears to my eyes now even thinking about it. Thank you.

My BFF, Katie, and me - November 09

9. We had several trips to the beach this year. Twice we went to Edisto Island, SC to be with David’s dad and step-mom with the cousins on that side. Then, we went to Long Boat Key, FL for the annual Family Fest with my side of the family for Thanksgiving week. Another great time.

Mags and Miller cousins at Edisto

The girl cousins. Couldn't get one with all the boys.

10. We took our annual trip to Disney World this year the week after Thanksgiving. We always love to see the parks all lit up for Christmas. We had a wonderful time, and Maggie tried several new rides – including the tea cups at Magic Kingdom, which she had previously refused to even consider. We were proud of how many times she put her fears aside to try something new.

Mags LOVING the tea cups.

May the joy of Christmas fill your heart and your home!

There you have it. Our Christmas Letter Top Ten. It’s a pretty fun list. Can’t wait to see what the new year brings.

If you want to see more awesome Top Ten lists, head on over to She’s always got cool stuff going on over there.

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