Posted by: Kathy | January 11, 2010

Menu Plan Monday 01.11.10

When I made my January meal plan, I knew I’d have to change it. I mean, seriously, things are gonna come up right? I remember looking at my calendar on January 2nd and thinking, “I do NOT have all the invitations for the month yet.” And, I didn’t. We added two birthday parties for the month this week plus several other events that we will be attending. That means the plan needs to change. That’s one of the things I love about planning. It gives you a basic framework, and then you move things around to make them work for your current circumstances.

This week’s plan (now that all events are scheduled):

Sunday: Spaghetti (made w/Italian sausage), salad, breadsticks

TOTAL FAIL on Sunday – forgot to make the breadsticks in time. Was too busy playing Polly Pockets and Little Pet Shop with the Princess. Bummed. I was looking forward to those. Wonder if I can fit them in anywhere else.

Monday: Small Group – Somebody else is cooking – wahoo…

Tuesday: Leftovers – we’ve still got stuff in the fridge from last week that needs to be eaten

Wednesday: Roast, Noodles, Green Beans

Thursday: Leftovers – now we’ve added spaghetti and roast to the mix – gotta eat that

Friday: (Company Coming) Fried chicken, wheat rolls, salad, steamed veggies, blackberry cobbler

Saturday: Brinner (Breakfast for dinner) or leftovers – depends on what’s left

I’m taking the Eat from the Pantry Challenge and one of my goals was to only buy milk and produce for the first two weeks of January. Well, that didn’t exactly happen. I bought some meat. It was on sale. And, I bought a turkey. It was on sale. The cool thing about the turkey is that it was huge and gave me lots of leftovers with which to make no less than four casseroles for the freezer. So, I’m not feeling too bad about that.

Last night I made two pans of Turkey and Rice (recipe to be posted this week) and two pans of Cheesy Broccoli and Rice with Turkey. All four went into the freezer for when somebody needs a meal – or I want to eat one. I was also able to freeze four cups of chopped turkey meat. Love how much you can get out of one turkey!

This week, I’m trying to only buy the basics. I need milk, eggs, lettuce, and chicken for Friday. We’re having company, and I really want to make the chicken I made the other day for them. I know they’ll love it. Everything else on the plan, I have in the freezer or pantry.

So, I’m giving myself $30 for the week. That will get me back on track. Some of you will think this is a huge amount. However, compared to what I normally spend in a week. It’s so not. Baby steps folks. Baby steps.

How is your pantry and freezer? Making anything yummy this week?

To see how folks are doing on the pantry challenge head on over to

For more great recipes, visit I’m an Organizing Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday.

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