Posted by: Kathy | November 5, 2010

Losing It! 11 05 10

I’m late getting things up today because I am working like a crazy woman. Got so much going on. The most important thing going on is the 30 Day Giving Challenge. Have you checked out all the bloggers giving this month? AMAZING. Be sure you stop by my giveaway post today and try to win a necklace while giving to The Mercy House at the same time.

Now, on to the weight loss, which I’d rather not talk about. Seriously, did I mention that it’s a crazy week. May I also mention that I’m hormonal. May I also mention that it has finally gotten cold enough to get my bake on. I LOVE to bake when it’s cool. I love to eat when it’s cool. I think I would be a great bear. Hmmm…

So, the weight went up a bit this week. Some of it is water weight, but not all of it. **Sigh**

However, tomorrow is another day. And, tomorrow I can do better. And, tomorrow I can exercise. That’s the key. I’ve GOT TO EXERCISE. It makes me feel better. It makes it easier not to eat somehow. Not sure how that works. Exercise! Exercise! Exercise!

How did you do this week?

Oh, and I’m working on a little contest to get us through the holidays. Thinking it through this week and will announce next week. You’re going to want to participate. I PROMISE!

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  1. You will get back into it but exercise can produce the same feel good hormones that food does. It also takes your mind off things that make you eat.

  2. Tomorrow is a new day! All the best with your weight loss goals. Have a great weekend 🙂

  3. You can do it! I know that you will hop right back on the bandwagon of exercise. Don’t forget that your family needs the gift of a healthy wife and mom this season of giving… take care of yourself too!

    So excited to hear about the contest! 🙂 Such a tease!

  4. Woo hoo! A contest! I’ve been thinking that we could use some added incentive to “behave.” Great thinking Kathy!

    (I told Alana that I was doing one-armed push-ups to get ready. Then I told her that I really can’t do them. Ha!)

    I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow…getting back into the routine of exercise. Happy weekend to you and your family!

  5. Hi, first time on your blog. i think. There are so many, I get confused! 🙂 I’ll go back and check out some of those links, thanks!

    • Thanks for stopping by! Come back any time.

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