Posted by: Kathy | December 14, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday: Baking Day Recap

This Saturday was Baking Day! I had the entire day free, and I spent the whole thing in the kitchen. It was heavenly. **sigh** Now, all of that goodness is gone. Well, almost gone. I have one more delivery to make tomorrow. Here’s what I accomplished:

1. I filled 30 bags with muffins and treats for my volunteers and the Princess’ leaders at church.

2. I brought a tin of Cranberry Bread to share with my fellow “workers” on Sunday.

3. I took four tins of goodness to the office on Monday

4. I gave one big tin of goodness to our Church’s Family Ministry team to share at their meetings this week.

5. I sent one tin of goodness to work with My Sweetie

6. I have some muffins and bread to take to my friend Katie tomorrow.

7. I marinated two pork tenderloins for the freezer.

8. I cooked seven chicken breasts in the crock pot to shred and freeze.

9. I cooked two pork tenderloins for dinner using a favorite Paula Deen recipe.

10. I made a HUGE mess and ran the dishwasher three times.

I made a wide variety of baked goods this year. Some family favorites and some new to me recipes. I already plan on making more Pretzel treats for the Princess’ teachers since I ran out already. We’ll do those together this afternoon.

Have you done your Christmas Baking Day? What is your favorite treat to share with family and friends?

Linked to Top Ten Tuesday.


  1. Definitely no baking day this year due to insanely pregnant status. I did make one batch of awesome Peppermint Chocolate Crinkles and sent the majority to school with my husband for his advisees. I was told they were gobbled up!

    Usually I love to make decorated sugar cookies as well as pretzel rods, Oreos, and shortbreads dipped in chocolate or bark and then sprinkles, nuts, or coconut. YUM!

    • Yummmm… Peppermint chocolate crinkles.
      You may have to do some Valentine’s baking girl! Just so you can make some of that yummy stuff.

  2. I make pumpkin bread for my hub’s co-workers. Some eat it when they receive it (it doesn’t make it home). Others eat it Christmas morning with a bit of butter and heated up in the microwave. Yummy!

    • I think pumpkin bread is such a great gift. And so easy to make!

  3. Thank you for the yummy treats! We were still enjoying them today! Thank you!

    • John!
      An honor to have you even read my blog!
      Glad you enjoyed the treats and that you were able to have some.
      Merry Christmas!

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