Posted by: Kathy | March 23, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday: Things I miss…

So, I’m changing my lifestyle. Really trying to change my lifestyle. And, it’s working. I’m feeling better. Truly feeling better. During this time of change, there are things that I REALLY TRULY miss. I could dismiss them and try not to think about them. However, I’ve chosen to take this opportunity to list the ten things I miss the most. A remembrance of my past. Things that hopefully won’t be in my future (often anyway).

1. A brownie sundae from Ben & Jerry’s. I used to work at a Ben & Jerry’s so these are something I KNOW and LOVE. When we are near a B&J scoop shop, I like to treat myself to one of these, with mint chocolate chunk ice cream. Mmmmm… the memories. Thinking of eating one of them today makes me sick to my stomach.

SIDE NOTE: Today, Tuesday, is Free Cone Day at Ben & Jerry’s. If you’re near a scoop shop, go get your free cone! I worked several Free Cone Days in my past. They are TONS of fun!

2. Diet Coke. I did an entire post on how much I love Diet Coke. It’s now been over a month since I’ve had any. I miss it every day. However, my stomach is SO much happier without it.

3. Big Breakfasts. I can eat some breakfast. Take me to an IHOP, and I can do some serious damage. Now, that would use up my entire day’s worth of calories. Not going to do it.

4. Eating whenever I feel like it. Since I’ve been counting calories, I’ve realized how much I just eat because I want to. It has nothing to do with being hungry. Interesting discovery. This has been a serious issue the last two days. The Princess is sick, and I’m mothering more than working, which for some reason makes me want to snack more.

5. Bread. Oh man do I miss bread. Seriously. Like that bread they serve at California Pizza Kitchen while you’re waiting for your meal. I love that bread. Now, that would take up too many calories. Not going to waste them on empty calories like bread. Rather save them for the protein in the salad and the salad dressing to make it yummy.

6. Brownies and cookies and cake. I used to consume one or more of these daily. I tried to have two bites of cake the other day. It made me sick. Craziness.

7. Butter on my popcorn. I’ve been eating a good bit of popcorn, but it’s all light. No greasy butter. I love the greasy butter. I like it to literally drip from my finger tips. I LOVE buttery popcorn. Now, I eat light popcorn. Not sure what I’m going to do the next time I go to the movie theater. That will be a struggle.

8. Chick-fil-a chicken biscuit. I’ve lived in Atlanta for the majority of my life. We do the Chick-fil-a drivethru habitually. Like ALL THE TIME. That’s 450 calories. Ummmm… ya, that’s too many for one meal.

9. Pizza/Calzone. They might be worth the calories actually. But, I’ve reduced my fat intake enough to know that eating them would HURT my stomach.

10. Snickers. I’ve actually considered eating one of these. It might be worth the calories. Not sure my stomach would be happy with me at this point with this one too. My stomach is really liking the good food.

There you have it. Ten things I’ve changed my lifestyle to NOT include. I’m not saying these are bad things. I’m saying they’re not good for ME. For one thing, I have digestive issues. For another, I’ve never been one to be able to just eat a little of something. You give me access to brownies, I’m going to eat a ton few. So, they just don’t need to be around me. Ironically, I’m still baking. I love baking. I’m just not eating any of it. This is something my coworkers are happy and frustrated with at the same time.

What would be the hardest thing for you to give up?

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  1. Sweets in general are very hard for me to give up! I actually posted about my sugar addiction today πŸ™‚ It’s totally worth it though, right? Keep it up!!

    • It is TOTALLY worth it!

  2. Congratulations on your lifestyle change! I need to make lots of changes, but I do not have the commitment to stick with anything long term.

    One thing I miss is eating after about 6 p.m. It is really bad news on my digestive system if I do that. Thought having my gall bladder would remedy that situation, but it didn’t. I’ll have a tummy ache all night if I eat too late.

  3. Your list made me hungry πŸ™‚ Good for you for becoming healthier. I would miss my coffee drinks and pop for sure! And desserts of all types. I am trying to eat better and give myself the occasional treat so I am losing a little weight but right now I’m not at the point where I could give up everything.

    • I do let myself have a sweet here and there, but I make myself count the calories. And, I’m just not enjoying them when I think of what I’m sacrificing. Like a bigger piece of filling meat at dinner.

  4. I could go for some brownies right now! I know how you feel, I am trying to give up some of these things too because I can never have just a little bit either!

    • Brownies… mmmm… I love brownies…

  5. Kathy – I am so happy for you that this is making you feel better physically. I can TOTALLY identify with the other aspects you are wrestling with. I love sugar and sweet things, and it is a constant struggle. BTW – that is esp. hard when I am taking care of the kids if they are under the weather. Why is that? Keep it up girl!
    P.S. – btw – popcorn made with olive oil is great fresh out of the pan with a sprinkle of salt. No extra oil needed!

    • How do you make it in the pan. I haven’t made anything but microwave popcorn in years. Don’t you have one of those cool old fashioned poppers?

  6. Oh, that could have been my favorite food list. No wonder you are missing them!

    • EXACTLY!!!

  7. WTG, Kathy! Seriously, I love that you can totally recognize how much better you are feeling! Now. The buttered popcorn thing: just use real butter. And tell yourself that the “butter” they put on at the movie theatre is just flavored vegetable oil. *gag*

    • Ya, but it tastes so good. Why is that?

  8. I have been struggling a lot lately… too much candy around! I have a weakness for Easter Candy! But my all time weakness is ice cream! All kinds… and milk shakes… esp from chick-fil-a. I’m drinking lots of water lately, and I don’t miss soda or even booze. I just miss sweets! I could eat an entire carton of ice cream or a whole pan of brownies. I recently blogged about how I have no self control when it comes to sweets. It’s a daily struggle, and I hate it.
    I try to eat clean when I can… it really does make a difference.
    Your post really hit home with me, I’m glad to know I’m not alone in my struggles! Keep up the good work!

    • Thanks for the encouragement Michelle. I hear you on the Easter candy. My favorite of all times are the Starburst jelly beans. I’ve picked up a bag the last few times at the grocery store.

      What’s really helping is that I’m counting calories and writing EVERYTHING down. And, I’m sharing my struggle publicly. For some reason, that combo is so helping this time. I’m “lucky” in that if I eat too many milk products I pay in the restroom, so it doesn’t tempt me as much as it used to. But I so hear you on the brownies. Love me some good brownies.

      Keep plugging away at it. I can honestly say that I feel better physically than I have in a long time. That’s enough to keep me going!

  9. Um, now I’m hungry. πŸ™‚

    • Sorry. 😦

  10. #5, 6, 9, 10 – I think I would definitely miss these too!

  11. #6 might be the hardest. Of course, it’s all the fun going out desserts. That usually was when I would treat myself. If we went out to dinner. In fact, the other day my daughter and I were out and as we finished the meal she said, “Mom, what are you having for dessert.” That was eye-opening.

  12. […] Things I Miss… :: I wrote this a few months into my lifestyle change. I’ve lost 28 pounds and kept it off […]

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