Posted by: Kathy | May 18, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday: We had an AWESOME weekend!

You know those weekends where you don’t want them to end? Where you look back and smile and say “Now, that was a GREAT weekend!” We had one of those this past weekend. It was a busy one, but it was a fun one. So, I thought I’d share it with you Top Ten Tuesday style so I could link up with one of my favorite people, Ohamanda.

1. Saturday, we went to Mary Poppins at The Fabulous Fox in downtown Atlanta. Going to the Fox is an experience in itself, but Mary Poppins was AMAZING!!

2. Watching my child’s face while she watched Mary Poppins was even more amazing than watching the show. She was SO SO SO excited to go. She woke me up that morning saying “Happy Mary Poppins Day Mama!” Thank goodness she can tell time or she would have been asking constantly when it was time to go. As it was, she was looking at the clock every few minutes.

3. The Princess wanted to look like Jane so she wore a dress and fancy hat to the theater. Totally cracked us up. She also applied makeup when I wasn’t looking because she had to look pretty. I only had to brush a bit off and was very impressed with how tastefully she had applied it.

4. We sang to the soundtrack all the way down to the theater, which is a bit of a ways from our little suburban home. In the picture above, the Princess is singing “Spoonful of Sugar,” one of her favorites. The musical is a bit different from the movie so I was VERY glad we had purchased the soundtrack and listened to it so we knew the basic storyline. The Princess does not like things to change unexpectedly and would have been totally thrown off by how different the musical was from the movie if we hadn’t prepared her.

5. When we got home from the musical, we had “movie night,” which consists of us eating on a blanket in the living room in front of the TV. In our house, a movie is anything shown on the television. I’m not even sure what we watched, but it was fun just hanging out together. We love family time at the House of Hills.

6. Sunday the Princess and I ducked out of church quickly (poor Daddy had to stay and work) and went back to downtown Atlanta to catch an Atlanta Braves game with Grandma and Gramps. That’s right – I went inside the perimeter (a thing I avoid) twice in one weekend. I know all my friends are shocked. But, the Princess had received two free tickets for her stellar grades, and I was able to purchase two more at a great price, so we took Grandma and Gramps to the Braves game.

7. My brother’s daughter had also earned some tickets for her stellar grades so we got to meet up at the game and have some cousin fun.

8. The Princess ran the base at the top of Turner Field with her cousin, W. That’s my brother running behind them.

9. The Princess also got to enjoy her first Dippin Dots of the season. This would be one of her FAVORITE things about going places in the summer – finding a Dippin Dots cart. She LOVES them. Me, not so much.

10. I got to hang out with my girl doing things we love two days in a row. Doesn’t get much better than that.

Linked to Top Ten Tuesday.


  1. I have a huge smile on my face. What an awesome time you had! Love it!

    • I’m sure you heard ALL about it!

  2. Fun! Glad y’all had such a good time together.

    • Thanks MawMaw – we did have a blast. Family is awesome.

  3. So fun, Kathy! I still get excited thinking about Mary. And the Princess’ hat? PRICELESS.

    {do you use her real name on the blog?}

    • Nope – her official name on the blog is “The Princess” and hubby’s is “My Sweetie”. Not sure why I did that, but I did.

  4. That was a great weekend! And I loved seeing pictures of Princess and YOU :o) She is so cute. Loved that she wore the hat and put on makeup. That would have been something I would have wanted to do at that age! lol I hope when my girls get a little older they’ll watch Mary Poppins with me. Such a classic. Can you believe my hubby has NEVER seen Sound Of Music? I thought that was a household staple!! He’s also never seen Mary Poppins… Child abuse!! lol
    I’ll admit to liking Dippin Dots too. Except that I never get to eat any!

    • Never seen Sound of Music? Insane! The Princess LOVES that one too. I remember a rainy afternoon when she was five sitting in the guest bedroom with a big tub of popcorn and watching it with her. So much fun.

      We introduced her to Mary Poppins when she was like two or three. It’s her daddy’s favorite movie ever. We would all dance around the room to Steppin’ Time. Talk about a workout. That will do it!

  5. […] Braves – We’ve already been to one game this year, but I’m sure we’ll go to at least one more. We are also planning to meet up […]

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