Posted by: Kathy | June 22, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday: Excuses/Reasons Not To Walk

So, I’ve been Losing It! for awhile now, and one of the things that has REALLY (and I mean REALLY) helped take off the weight is walking.

Now, I can’t walk on a treadmill. Well, I mean I can walk on a treadmill. You just stand there and walk for goodness sakes. However, I DO NOT LIKE to walk on a treadmill. One, I feel like I’m going to fall and so hold on to the bars for dear life. Two, it is so BORING! Doesn’t matter if I’m listening to a book/music/podcast or reading. I just watch the clock.

What I have found is that I enjoy (as much as I’m able to enjoy exercise) taking a walk. However, I like to take a walk first thing in the morning. It’s really the only time I have. So, a little over a month ago I started getting up at 5am to walk. And, it was working well. I get time with just me and God to start my day. I do lots of planning during that time too.

Unfortunately, I took a little break over this past weekend (a four day break mind you) and although I’ve done it, it has been SO HARD to get up these past two days to walk. I’ve literally curled up in my bed and let these excuses reasons run through my head as to why I shouldn’t get up.

1. I’m tired – Duh, it’s 5am, of course I’m tired.

2. “Aunt Flo” is visiting – she’s a good excuse reason for lots of stuff isn’t she

3. It’s hot – It is “Africa hot” here in the ATL

4. It’s muggy – kinda goes with the hot in the ATL

5. It might rain – thus the mugginess

6. I should cuddle with My Sweetie – who happens to be WAY on the other side of our HUGE bed

7. The Princess might want to come snuggle in a minute – ya, she usually heads straight downstairs for tv time

8. I deserve a break. I’ve been working so hard – this one is the most evil! Mind warping I tell you

9. I just won’t eat as much today – um, what is that thinking? Seriously, not eat as much. I’m already down tons of calories

10. I forgot to get my clothes out and I don’t want to wake My Sweetie digging for them – ya, My Sweetie can sleep through WWIII

So those are my excuses. And they are excuses. What are your excuses for not exercising today?

Oh, and please note that even though it took me TWENTY MINUTES to get out of bed on the last two mornings. I did get up. A MAJOR accomplishment in my opinion. And, my body thanks me – I think.

For more fun Top Ten Tuesday, visit


  1. Oh I SO need to do this…just can’t make myself do it, though!

  2. All good enough reasons for me!!

  3. It is a major accomplishment. I didn’t walk all last week b/c of the Performing Arts Camp/VBS and this morning I could NOT get up. I let every single one of those excuses run thru my head. Well, actually, I don’t think I ever got past #1…

  4. I know how you feel! I have to get up early to do it too, and some days, I just want to make excuses especially lately since we’ve been so busy, and I’m so tired int he morning. But, I try to think about if I do get up and walk, then if I eat that something I’m not supposed to, it won’t be as bad. Plus, all the compliments and loser clothes, are helping to keep me motivated and to get up. It is hard though! 🙂 Glad to hear you got up this morning!

  5. How about this excuse? If I work really hard here at the house and go up and down the stairs, that will count as exercise!

  6. Ah, I’m so busted!
    My excuse today is that I haven’t bought an exercise mat for doing my workout video (evil Jillian Michaels) since we moved and our floor is VERY hard.
    And of course it’s unthinkable to exercise outside…I’d have a heat stroke within seconds in this Florida heat.
    So there you have it.

  7. I have a list of excuses as long as my arm. I HATE exercising! Ugh.

  8. I hear you all the way – from hatin’ on the treadmill to the many reasons not to get going. I tried very hard yesterday, but still was dragged to the gym by my friend who I was grumbling at until it was over, then I gave her a big sweaty hug (not really, I just said thanks…)

  9. […] combination in my opinion. Then it was SO hard to get back in the walking groove. I came up with MANY EXCUSES, but did drag myself out of bed every day since Monday. And it has been some dragging let me tell […]

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