Posted by: Kathy | December 28, 2010

Works For Me Wednesday: The Post of the Year

Kristen over at We Are That Family had the great idea for this last WFMW of the year. She challenged us to link up the one post we wrote this year that we really want people to read. I was struggling. I knew what post I wanted to share, but the reason I wanted to share was as important as the post itself. Then, I saw that Jill over at Diaper Diaries republished a post (and a mighty good one I might add) from earlier in the year with context around it. PERFECT! So, I’m totally stealing her idea.

The post below TOTALLY CHANGED MY LIFE. I think it lengthened it too. I cried when I wrote this post. I really did. It might have been one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Truly. However, I am SO THANKFUL that I wrote it.

This post was originally published on February 26th.

This is a big one for me. HUGE!! I’m publicly announcing that I need to lose some weight. Now, anyone who has seen me, seen a picture of me, or even talked about me in the last… ummm… 30 years knows this. That’s not to say that I’ve been this weight for the last 30 years (that would be extremely frightening). However, since my parents’ divorce when I was eight, food has been my solace. And, no I’m not blaming you mom. It’s just a fact. Third grade I was relatively normal. Fourth grade I was chubby. There you go.

There have been two times since I was eight that I have been what would be considered a normal or close to normal weight. My senior year in high school when I survived on Diet Coke and NoDoze (remember NoDoze?). I can remember a time when I only took cat naps for three days straight because I had two AP papers due, was rehearsing for a play, and had drill team practice every day to get ready for homecoming. No, my mom didn’t know about that (I was sneaky) and NO, it wasn’t healthy. So, even though I was thinner then, I wasn’t exactly healthy.

The second time I was thinner, I did “Quick Weight Loss.” It worked, I lost it quick!! And then had to have my gall bladder removed. People, you can’t go from mega grams of fat per day to 0 grams of fat per day overnight and expect your body to have no problem with it!! I also couldn’t eat chicken for a year (literally – no lie – a year) after that because I ate so much chicken while on it. The amount of protein they want you to eat is insane! And, I don’t like fish – not helpful.

I’ve done Weight Watchers – TOTALLY WORKS – when you stick to it. I’ve tried other things too. Here’s what I think is my biggest problem. I have NEVER been happy when I’m thinner. NEVER. Both the times when I was almost normal – not happy at ALL. For a multitude of reasons that may or may not have had to do with how I looked. So, I’d rather be chubby and happy than thin and not happy. Seems logical to me.

However, now I’m realizing how UNHEALTHY I am. And, I think I’ve actually passed the chubby point. I’m now in the obese category. The clothes I wear MUST have a W at the end of the size to fit my hips. I’m really tired by the end of the day. And, I’m worried that I someday soon won’t be able to keep up with my family. Here’s the other thing. I have Crohn’s disease. It’s not a fun disease to have as it messes with your digestive system. It’s very sensitive to different types of foods (which actually vary by person). When I eat crap, my body is NOT happy with me – to the point of pain.

So, after consuming an entire sleeve of Thin Mints and several pieces of pizza tonight, I went to my Google Reader to see how my bloggy friends (well, I think they’re friends – they may or may not know me) were doing. MANY of those I read are doing the LOSING IT! challenge. It was humbling to see how these women are sharing their stories with the blog world, and they are all really trying to lose that weight!! They’re not trying to lose weight to look better – not one of them said that. They are all trying to lose weight to be healthier. To be better moms. To be better wives. To be able to stick around longer with their families and actually keep up with the kids.

It was VERY convicting to me. It was as if God said “Um, you see them doing it don’t you. They’re moms with real lives just like you. They don’t have personal trainers. You can do it too.” God talks to me like my best friend sometimes. So, here I am (almost in tears actually) telling you (whoever you are that reads this here blog) that I’m going to commit to doing the LOSING IT! challenge for the next nine weeks.

Here are my goals:

1. 8 glasses of water a day (and ONLY water to drink)

2. One sweet treat a day (I know myself. If I go cold turkey, it’s worse.)

3. Nothing deep fried (I live in the south, this is hard)

4. Exercise of some kind 4 out of 7 days (OK – this is HUGE. I NEVER exercise.)

Okay, I’m about to press “Publish,” and then this will be out there. I’m SO nervous. But, I know I’m really being led to do it, and He’s never led me wrong before.

If you want to know more about the LOSING IT! challenge go here. Do it with me! I’d love to cheer you on!!

I didn’t win the challenge, but I came in second. I’ve lost 28 pounds since the day I pushed publish on that post, and most importantly I’ve kept them off for several months. As we go into the new year, I plan on refocusing myself and losing another 28 at least.

So, this was my post of the year. A huge shout out and THANK YOU to the original Losing It Ladies and to those who continue to link up here each Friday. You have truly changed my life.


  1. So awesome. So very awesome. We just rejoined the gym and are committed to getting healthy as a family. For us it isn’t necessarily about weight (although I would like to knock off 10) but about living longer and avoiding disease. So kuddos to you.

    • Thanks Jill! It’s been a SERIOUS journey. So glad I’m on it.

  2. Wow, great job! Good luck as you continue this journey!!!

    • Thanks so much!

  3. Good job. I have done WW too, and it does work, but it is miserable to be on it for me too. I like to eat, and I hate exercising. What else can I say? But we moved our treadmill in the family room and now I have no more excuses. It is time. 🙂 Thanks for this post.

    Happy New Year!

    • Good luck with the treadmill in the living room – perfect for watching the tv! Happy New Year!

  4. Wonderful post Kathy and I’m so happy and proud of your 2010 achievement! Getting more and more healthy and here’s to 2011 and both of us continuing on this Losing It journey to better health!

    • Cindy – I so appreciate you linking up each week. It’s so much more fun to journey together isn’t it!!?? Happy New Year!

  5. Keep it up Kathy! I can really see the difference. From someone who knows, it is NEVER easy. The reward is how good you feel after the exercise or realize you are actually being kind to yourself by eating something good. Don’t give up everything. Enjoy the treats and balance with the rest. Do it for yourself, and you can do it!

  6. This is an AWESOME post!! I too changed my life in the same
    way in 2009! Since June 20, 2009 I’ve lost 50 pounds, regained my
    life, taught my family to eat healthy. I’ve also competed in my
    first 5K, Triathlon and Half Marathon, which I’m very please to say
    that I finished in only 1hour and 57 minutes! I have learned that
    all things are possible! I also listen to Casting Crowns when I
    run, because there are those moments when you just want to quit and
    I know with God I can do anything!!! My husband also took the same
    route and has lost and kept off 120 pounds in the last 1.5years! It
    makes me so happy when I see stories like yours! It not only
    changes your life but everyone who is and will ever be touched by
    you!!! Imagine the difference your choice will make for generations
    to come in your family! Congrats to you and I hope you have a
    wonderful new year!!!

  7. I just found your blog from We Are That Family blog and I
    want to tell you that you are such a great testimony. I found
    myself crying while reading this, I knew the moment I started
    reading it that God wanted me to be reading this. I was always the
    skinny girl. I had my first child at 17 and I gained 100 lb from
    that pregnancy *I was an anorexic and I ballooned once I started
    eating* and then I lost all the baby weight *which took me 2 years*
    then I got pregnant again and I have had 2 more babies since then
    and I havent lost the baby weight. *My youngest is 2* and I know
    that I need to lose weight, and this year I am going to be trying
    my best. I am going to be starting a weight loss blog, recording
    everything I can. I want to get in shape so I can do a marathon for
    child abuse *my adopted son was abused and neglected by his birth
    mom and he has mental scars from that* and so my whole family wants
    to do a marathon together to raise money and awareness. Thank you
    for the support and encouragement 🙂 You have another blog follower
    from this reader 🙂 God bless and lots of love and

  8. Kathy, you are so inspiring. As I’ve reached the end of yet another year without weight loss, the one consolation I have is that our Losing It challenge inspired you and others to make major changes this year! I’m determined to join you in 2011 (maybe you can give me a pep talk – or two! – at Blissdom?!). 🙂

  9. You’re awesome, Kathy!!

  10. Kathy I am so glad you republished this one b/c I missed it the first time around!! What a wonderfully honest post! Congratulations … you’ve done awesome & I know you’re still going strong!!

  11. […] significant changes in MY life has been through Losing It. I wrote a bit about it this week in my Works For Me Wednesday post, but I can’t really seem to put into words the significance of this community. If it […]

  12. […] Up on Perfect: I MUST include Mary on this list as
    her blog changed my life. It really did. And, she’s fun
    and real and an awesome mom and I can’t wait to ROOM WITH

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