Posted by: Kathy | April 2, 2010

Losing It! Update: 04.02.10

Another week down. Whew! How time is flying!! I had such a GREAT week last week that I was a little nervous heading into this one. Sometimes when I have a good week on eating, I slide the next week. At least on past diets I have, but this is a lifestyle change, not a diet!

I can honestly say that this new way of eating is becoming more real to me. I had some hard days this week. Hormone ridden days when I wanted to stuff my face. Like seriously stuff my face. Tuesday was my one day a month where I want to binge all day. In fact, a couple months ago, I did a Top Ten Tuesday post all about what I wanted to eat that day. It’s usually a terrible, horrible, very bad day.

This week though, I walked on the treadmill on Tuesday and stayed below my daily calorie limit. To say I was proud of myself would have been an understatement. It was a HUGE accomplishment. Knowing that I would get to brag on it here held me accountable. I seriously appreciate everyone’s support. I couldn’t let you down!

I now have even more motivation to continue Losing It! We are going on a Disney Cruise in September. We are SO SO SO excited for this family trip, and we’ve already decided no computers allowed. We are going to totally unplug. TOTALLY! I can’t remember the last time we did that. I’ll be sure to take notes so I can share all my fun stories with you when we get back. However, the fact that I’m going to be on a cruise ship for four days is VERY motivating to make sure my shorts fit! And maybe, just maybe, I’ll get to go shopping for a couple new outfits! In a MUCH SMALLER size than I am now. Whoop!

Let’s see how I did on my goals:

We’ve pretty much established that one through three really aren’t a problem anymore. I still have to think about them a little, but they aren’t the big deal.

#4 – Exercise – I walked on the treadmill several times this week. Almost every other day. And, I actually (*gasp*) almost enjoyed walking on it on Tuesday. It really did relieve some of my tension. I’m not dreading it as much, but I’m still struggling to make it part of my daily routine. Working on that though.

This week’s weight loss: 1.5 lbs – not as good as last week, but this is my weekly goal, so WHOOP!!!

Total percentage lost: 5.4% – that’s pretty exciting stuff, that! WHOOP!

I’m heading over to Giving Up on Perfect to see how everybody else did. Many thanks to her for hosting us each week. There are some amazing stories to read.


  1. GREAT JOB! You are seriously doing wonderful. I’m proud of you! :o)
    I have found that exercise actually does relieve stress and makes me feel better. Even when I’m tired.
    Once you get the ball rolling and make it a part of your life you really do get used to doing it and then it’s not such a big deal or so hard. I find that I’m not gasping for breath or hating the elliptical as much anymore!

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Congratulations on another good week! Kudos for hopping on tready and walking your way toward good health too.
    I had read your previous post about your Disney cruise and that’s just added incentive to continuing your healthy lifestyle change.
    See you next week!

  3. Congratulations on your loss! And a cruise sounds like wonderful motivation! 🙂

  4. Woo-hoo!! You’re doing GREAT!! 🙂

  5. I’m so glad you enjoyed your workout the other day! It starts to be addicting. And congrats on the 5.4% lost! That IS exciting!

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